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Illustrations for the Smart Factory

Together with the Technical College of Gothenburg (GTC), we have been working on a project called Smart Factories.

Behind the working name is both a factory with real industrial robots, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and a host of other interesting initiatives.

In addition to GTC which runs the project, there are a number of partners that make the project possible. There are a number of both heavy and interesting Swedish companies, such as Chalmers, Universeum, ABB, Volvo, SKF, Stora Enso and ÅF, who contribute resources, content and expertise.

Customer :
Göteborgs Tekniska College

Gothenburg Technical College is the result of a unique collaboration between the business community and the municipality. The company is jointly owned by the Volvo Group and Volvo Cars together with the City of Gothenburg.

The smart factory is taking shape

The project primarily aims to inspire and educate today's young people about what it means to work in the industry today, when it comes to robots, digitization and new technology rather than the classic image of someone standing on a running belt and manually mounting physical objects.

A collaboration between school and business and a platform to create competence and disseminate knowledge about industrial digitization. The goal of the project is to build two mini factories with students, supervised by companies.

The cool thing is that the project also builds up really small factories with industrial robots, automation and everything that belongs to today's smart factory.

Today the factory is located at Lindholmen, but it is also possible to view and work with the factory with the help of VR, AR and by using cameras and functions in ordinary mobile phones. The plan is for the concept to be exhibited at both the Universeum in Gothenburg and Balthazar in Skövde.


A large part of our work is the unique illustrations that have been developed for use in both marketing, presentations and in the project app. All illustrations are based on how the real factory looks and works, and are made in "isometric 3D" which feels both playful but at the same time technically relevant.

The cooperation with Republic has been very good throughout the project and we are very pleased with the result.
– Johan Bengtsson, Teknisk utvecklingschef på GTC

Follow-up :
Knowledge platform for Swedish industry

Read more about how we continued in the same way for a closely related project.


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